What Boundaries Do You Need?

Merriam-Webster defines a boundary as something that indicates a fixed limit or extent. It is a dividing line. We all have boundaries - there are things we will not do, things we will not accept, choices we have made about how we live our lives. Last week we talked about how you know where you need boundaries. It’s time to go deeper.

Motherhood: Trigger Warning

Trigger warnings everywhere these days. They’re on Facebook posts, they’re in the opening credits of TV shows, they’re even on college campuses. They’re absolutely everywhere - except where we need them the most - our daily lives.

Panic Attack Recovery For Moms

Hi, my name is Graeme and I'm a mom who has panic attacks. I live with generalized anxiety disorder after having had postpartum depression and anxiety, and PTSD from a traumatic birth. And I know that I'm not alone. I know that so many of the moms who will read these words will know exactly what I'm talking about.